Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hanoi says goodbye to summer's heat

After enduring what many have called the summer of hell, Hanoi is welcoming relief from the heat. Signs of atumn are everywhere as the city transitions into it's next season. The change is a great relief to many. Even the older generations of Vietnamese have a hard time recalling a summer ever being so hot. The rains and cooler temperatures have been a welcome change for many who struggled to cope with what is one of the hottest summers on record in Hanoi.

Years in the tropics couldn't prepare most for the heat that classified the summer in Hanoi this year. During the day, going outside was virtually unbearable. All it took was about five minutes to be drenched and dripping in sweat. Driving a motorbike in the summer temperatures ran you the risk of burning your rear off, not to mention the dreaded red light which meant sitting under the sun's burning rays, breathing in the fumes and eagerly waiting for the light to change while wiping the sweat away from your eyes.

The unbearable heat has finally started cooling down. Air-con is shut off for many and showers are once again taken with warm water. Rain and clouds have provided relief and people are beginning to embrace the fall.

Vietnam's legendary moon cakes can be found once again popping up around the streets of Hanoi. Hanoians are bracing for the 1,000 year anniversary of this great city, which is creeping up very quickly.

Pomegranates are abundant and at many cafes, people are trading in their iced coffee for hot coffee. Grapefruits are at their finest of the year. Green rice is back in action, a favorite during the season.

One Hanoian, Thu Trang Nguyen described fall in Hanoi, "A time to relax and enjoy the best weather all year before the terrible winter comes."

Hoa Sua (Milk Flowers) can be seen blossoming only during this time of year and are considered to be a symbol of the season.

It is time to say goodbye to summer in Hanoi and hello to the fall.

Hoa Sua
Moon cakes


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